Sometimes a house just needs that one finishing touch that only stone retaining walls can provide.  Our Texas Hill Country is beautiful but hills are hills and that means elevation issues to deal with when building a home and a landscape.  If you have a house with a lot of foundation showing one of the best and most beautiful ways to hide it is with rock retaining walls.

There are as many types of rock/stone retaining walls as there are types of rock and here in South Central Texas we have an abundance of beautiful rock.  NativeScapes Landscaping can create stone retaining walls that match the rock walls on your house whether that’s building stone or chopped stone.  We can also use a contrasting stone for added interest and texture.  There are different colors or stone, different shapes and sizes depending on how and where the rock was quarried and all can be used in different applications when building rock retaining walls.

We also often use native rock found on the homeowner’s property or dug up from installing their septic tanks or swimming pools.  The native stone can be dry stacked if the boulders are large enough and suitable to that type of application.  Typically NativeScapes’ s rock masons will mortar these type of walls to the inside for stability and longevity but with the look of dry stack to the outside.  Native stone walls are unique and add a whole different look and feel to the landscape.

In trying to decide how tall the walls should be just keep in mind that they don’t have to be massive.  Even short walls create raised beds that planted with the right evergreens and perennials will easily hide a lot of foundation and provide some softness to the landscape.

Whether your house is new and you’re looking at installing the initial landscape or your older home needs a facelift…think retaining walls for a classic look of interest and elegance that will make foundations disappear.

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