Native Landscape Certification Program…get to know “the natives”!

The Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) now offers plant lovers an easy and fun way to become better acquainted with native plants through its Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP).  I was honored to lead one of the plant walks for Saturday’s level one class at Tye Preston Memorial Library in Sattler.  By the way if you have not been to the Tye Preston Library then make some time to pay a visit.  The ranch land where the library sits has been reclaimed and has regenerated itself nicely with many different native varieties of trees, shrubs, grasses and perennials.  It was a perfect place for a native plant walk!  For more info here is the link:

Tye Preston Memorial Library

The NLCP is a wonderful way to become more familiar with native vegetation and soil type in your region as well as learning how to preserve and include natives in your landscape.  You learn how to spot natives in the wild and what exotic pervasive species of plants to extricate from your landscape and yard.  The NLCP is a multi-level program and it’s taught locally by the Lindheimer Chapter of NPSOT as well as offered in surrounding areas by other NPSOT chapters.  For more information here is the link to our local Chapter of NPSOT.

Lindheimer Chapter of NPSOT

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