Yes…it actually snowed in South Central Texas!

Not just a dusting but real snow…enough for snowmen and sledding.  The fact that it was at least a couple of weeks before we officially hit winter makes it even more impressive.

Being a true Texan I absolutely had to take snow pictures…lots of them!  I instantly became aware of the fact that a little snow can transform a relatively boring outdoor scene into a winter wonderland.  What had a few days before been a soggy, forlorn half-dead mess was transformed into a fairyland of sparkling white and brilliant icy blues.

It was interesting to note as well that we had snow in Comal county before we’d officially had a freeze!  There were many trees that still wore their leaves which of course made for even more dramatic snow scenes to say nothing of the pictures.

There are almost no words to describe seeing some of my favorite drought tolerant plants covered in snow.  The agaves were certainly the most majestic.  Plants that are typically seen more in desert scenes and are known for their heat tolerance endured a snowfall with no problems.

How did the rest of the landscape plants in our area fare during the snow?  Many of the perennials suffered some die back but nothing more than would be seen during a hard freeze.  Evergreens and hardier perennials didn’t seem fazed at all.  Bluebonnet plants that germinated in September looked beautiful covered in snow and never looked back as did other annual wildflowers that typically overwinter no matter the cold temperatures.

The only real problems I noticed after the snow melted was some ornamental trees that got too heavy with leafed out branches covered in snow had some breakage.  Other than that the snow in South Central Texas was a beautiful sight and brought much joy and great pictures!

NativeScapes Landscaping wishes you and your family good health, peace and happiness during this Holiday Season!




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