Hardscapes Projects for Winter!

Sidewalks, retaining walls, even a parking pad are all hardscape projects that can be done in the winter when the rest of the landscape is dormant.  Often, it’s easier to plan a hardscape project while the plants have died back and the trees are empty of leaves.  You have a much more open palette to work with and dead space in the yard becomes much more apparent.  Whatever time of year you install hardscapes it’s imperative to do some planning and create a design that is functional as well as ascetically pleasing.

The retaining walls and steps around the spa, the flagstone patio and the raised mortared rock beds in this Rebecca Creek Ranch home’s landscape were all planned for ease of access to and from the house.  The walls were all constructed using native stone from the property and the flagstone was chosen to match.  NativeScapes designed this outdoor living space to be a beautiful gathering spot for the homeowners and guests as well as look attractive from the indoors.

In River Chase these homeowners needed a way to go from their raised outdoor deck to the garage entrance and further on to exit the yard entirely.  We created a mortared flagstone walkway that makes for easy passage, looks great and also serves as a border for mulched beds that can be planted later on.  Mortared flagstone makes a great impermeable surface to walk on while at the same time adding character and warmth you just don’t get with concrete.

Our clients in Havenwood needed extra parking but also wanted the area to blend in with the landscape which meant no more concrete.  We used native boulders found on the property to create mortared rock walls then backfilled the area and topped it with decomposed granite.  We made sure to plate tamp the granite to add stability and added a border of river rock along the existing concrete driveway to prevent wash during rains.  This is an attractive and easy way to create extra parking and a space this size will easily fit two cars.

If you need some hardscape ideas and installation just give us call, we’d be happy to talk with you.  We’ll set up a time to meet with you, take a look at your space and give you a design and bid.

Free quotes are available 830.608.0204


Call today let us help you create your winter hardscape!






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